Summer Sipper From the Garden

Gather herbs and plants from your garden in minutes and make this delicious elixir to sooth the body and mind.

This is an amazing summer drink that I got out of my garden inspired by a friend. I'm sharing with you what I do. Also, this was so effective and soothing to my kiddo with a summer cold that I'm adding this into my Sick Happens e course. Summer colds are different than fall and winter ones. I'm excited to continue to expand what is in the course with a summer protocol!


Grab a quart jar. You can either make a sun tea and let it warm up in the sun and steep for a number of hours until its the right strength for you. Or set the tea kettle on while you run out the back and grab some leaves. Here is what I was able to find and chose to use in this tea. I vary my ratios depending on what I want. Ill describe how much I use first. Then follow it with what the plants super power.

Mint: It is rampant. If you don't have it, a friend does and they will be happy to share. I use about 3-4 sprigs. It gives the tea a zing and makes it come alive. This is about 1/4 of the herbs I gather.

Lemon Balm or Melissa: I LOVE this and grab at least 3-4 sprigs. My sprigs are huge. This will be about half of the herbs I gather.

Red Raspberry Leaf: We have this like a weed in the back. Thank you neighbors. But regardless, I find RRL in urban woods, in alleyways, neighbors yards, its everywhere right now. I grab a fist full. I don't find it very flavorful so could add more if you want to increase its super power in the tea.

Nettles: Also a plant found everywhere. I keep it 'controlled' in one of my wild child gardens, and use this all season long. I grab whatever is close and easy to grab, about a small stalks worth (5 leaves). I don't want the earthy green taste to overpower my mint.

Catmint/Catnip: I have this also growing like a weed so its easy for me to find. Catmint laughs at my efforts to control it like I do other things. oye. I should go into business making cat toys. Anywho, I throw in a couple leaves. Its a powerful flavor and I'm using it for its special powers not its flavor.

Other: There are so many beneficial herbs and plants all around us. Sky is the limit! Add what you like.

After you loosely fill a quart jar full of herbs, fill with cold (sun tea) or hot water. I let it steep until I remember I have it steeping or its at the desired strength for myself, about 30ish. minutes. Sun tea may be longer and I would check after 2 hours and go from there.


For Herb Nerds Only! JK, you all can read this

First, all of these are chock full of vital minerals that our body craves and needs. I won't go into all of that. That's a given. Leafy greens are amazing and should be worked in however works best for you.

Mint: Good bye brain fog. This is mentally lifting and invigorating. And it actually calms my nervous system. It's also well known as a tummy soother. I love having this around and use it as often as I can.

Lemon Balm or Melissa: One of my favorite herbal perennials. And its so easy and beautiful. You could add this into a flower garden for green interest. It smells aahhhhmazing. That right there is a super power. But, wait there is more! Anxiety and stress reducing and sleep inducing and all around phenomenal brain and gut tonic herb. You could go down a rabbit hole with this one. Add it to your garden if it is not already. Right now.

Red Raspberry Leaf: HUGE source of minerals. working in the pregnancy/birthing world, I recommend this a lot. It is epic at reducing inflammation. mmm. Gosh, I love plants. They can do all of the things!

Nettles: Pair it with RRL and you have a super power tea. I often recommend this to my fertility patients. It's mega rich in minerals and mega anti-inflammatory. I could write a paper on it. Well, I have, I guess. I should do a solo blog for this one beautiful herb.

Catmint/Catnip: Excellent nervine. So it relaxes our entire nervous system. I definitely use this if the kids are about to head to bed and want tea. Hello, sleepy land! It's also great for upset tummy. Hmm, now that I'm thinking on it, that's probably why I have this EVERYWHERE at my house. Ha! Nature does know best.

Categories: : anxiety, herbal, immune boosing, mental health, nervous system regulation