Sick Happens

A Simple Plan to Help Our Families Recover When Virus Strikes

Course Summary

Use things in your kitchen to help those whom have fallen to the ick and support the immune systems of the rest of the household. I give you the 3 things I do as soon as I get that call from the school or wake up to a sore throat. It take less than an hour and sets you up for the week. Get the recipes, play by play videos and supporting handouts. I've also included some bonus handouts to help you identify other helpers in your kitchen to help from tummy bugs to the Flu. You'll be surprised to find out that you have a lot of powerhouse helpers right in the kitchen!

Everything is designed for maximum benefit in the least amount of time. Under and hour!

All videos are UNDER 5 minutes. Giving you just what you need to know about why these work and how to make them.

Beyond the science and being time tested cold and flu helpers, these are kid tested and approved.

Are you ready for a super effective ACTION plan when sick happens?

In under an hour you will be set with immune boosting virus busting powerhouses, made from what you have in your kitchen. Giving you lots of time to do what all colds and flus need. REST.

Thank you for offering “Sick Happens!” I learned some new remedies and tips, and so appreciate having the checklist of “First, do this. Next, do this,” for when I get into the overwhelm of having new germs in the house. I’ve been wanting to make something similar for myself, because I tend to forget it when I need it most, so thank you, Amy, for doing it for me/us! My kids enjoyed watching the videos with me, and got right to making one of the recipes!

Karin E.
Course Student

Amy DePoint DePoint

Hello! I created these courses and adventures to be gentle guides as you live your best life. I'm an acupuncturist, herbalist, medical intuitive, Mayan abdominal practitioner and a busy mom of two. I'm convinced the world and community around us are our most powerful teachers and healers. After a lot of formal training and almost two decades in practice, I've come to the realization that to be truly helpful, creating things that respect where we are at right now, in our unique situation and environments is the way to go. But they have to be simple, timeless and speak to the soul. I can tell you to do A B and C to make X Y Z happen. And it can work or help for awhile, but to truly get to the root of issues, we need to look deeper. By examining our own ways of looking at XYZ and the world and ourselves we can open the door for some pretty amazing shifts. Whether you take a course virtually, come with me on an adventure or have a one on one appointment, I see you as whole and complete and I'm excited to show you simple things to do and to walk with you as you see yourself this way as well. We do it together. Thank you for being here. I am always humbly honored. To make a coaching call or book an in person appointment, click HERE.

Course Pricing

Sick Happens

$33 USD

  • A simple and tasty action plan

    • Action steps to take when illness visits
    • Printable and simple recipes
    • Play by play videos of the recipes including education about why they help
    • How to identify foods in your kitchen to help shorten duration of illness
    • Foods to support a healthy immune system to prevent illness
    • Everything (but bone broth) is prepped and done in under an hour
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